Munster Bonsai Club May Meeting

Lyons Bonsai

So that time of the month has rolled around again and we were not lucky enough to have acquired a room in our usual location. In the end we ended up having the meeting in my house. Which is only two mins from the original destination, which makes it easier as everyone more or less knew where to go and we saved a few bob (money) in the process. Anyway it turned out to be just four of us, and it was still quite a busy night. We had plenty to talk about and had a bit of time to get our hands dirty. Thanks to my little Hinoki. Everyone had a tree to work on, and some got a nice few haircuts.

I was gutted that i missed the workshop last month, and felt the effect of not having a regular meeting regarding bonsai. It really does give you a jolt…

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Collecting in the Hills

As usually lovely day and always something new for us

Bonsai Eejit

Sunday saw us head to a few places where Pines have self seeded from forestry areas and have never been touched. The Pines are mostly Lodgepole Pine but the bark was really nice and some had pretty decent movement. Phil managed to find a nice Hawthorn too.

Here is a some of the action from the day and some nice views around the wind farm as well.

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Saturday’s Workshop

Lovely busy day. Lots of experiences. We need more 🙂

Bonsai Eejit

Saturday saw us driving to Mark’s home where he kindly agreed to host the workshop. His large tunnel was cleared out to give us room to make a mess. Each of the people taking part picked a tree to discuss at the start and we moved swiftly on to getting some work done. Our talk from the Friday night was put into action and we had a little repotting and a lot of carving. Some major airlayering was going on in the garden too with each participant getting the chance to see and assist with the process. A key message of the day was not to do work on a tree at the wrong time. No point wiring a Larch in leaf, or a pine about to open candles or a tree be styled just after repotting. That doesn’t mean that nothing can be done though. We probably achieved more…

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Munster Bonsai Meeting

It was lovely have you here again

Bonsai Eejit

Ok, so it’s Munster not Monster, but these things start small and build. This group are keen to learn and we spent a very wet and windy Friday night in Blackrock Hurling Club waiting for the roof to blow off!! We also covered potting medium and what we are looking for in a mix, carving bonsai, tree critique all at the same time as a Juniper was being styled.

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